White Label CMS Plugin Submitted To WordPress

We have just submitted out White Label CMS plugin to wordpress and we hope it will be in the directory soon.  It is a plugin which we think professional developers who hand over websites to clients have been needing for years! We certainly have!

The plugin does a lot of small things, which make a big difference to how your client will remember your business. We know from our own testing, clients love seeing their own logo on the login page, and also saw how their eyes used to glaze over and the look of confusion when they saw the dashboard for the first time.

Well not anymore!  Find out more about our White Label CMS plugin for WordPress.

UPDATE: Well it has been 4 days now and still nothing from WordPress. Please sit tight! We are!

UPDATE: We received the request approval from WordPress after 5 days. This is the first step. The next step is to receive a login for subversion.

UPDATE: We are up and running, everything seems to be working, and 100 downloads in 5 hours!

The official link is http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/white-label-cms/