Get Paid What You Are Worth

And do what you love

Warning: This presentation contains profanity. Nothing vulgar, just profanity.

This is a presentation I gave at WordCamp in Sydney, July 2012 to a group of passionate, talented web developers who build websites for clients using WordPress. The main theme of the presentation is how to illuminate to the client the value the web developer brings to the project so they can get paid what they are worth, instead of some arbitrary hourly rate.

I swear during this presentation to make a point, and because John O’Nolan couldn’t be with us. Or Mike Monteiro.

In the preso I also mention Chicago Creative Mornings. It should have been San Francisco Creative Mornings. Even though they do have them in Chicago, I was referring to one in San Francisco.

Enjoy. And I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Download the worksheets mentioned in the preso here.

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