A Better Business For WordPress Developers – WordCamp Gold Coast

This is the presentation I did at WordCamp Gold Coast about building a better business as a WordPress Developer.

Sorry for the sound and image quality, those things were beyond our control.

3 thoughts on “A Better Business For WordPress Developers – WordCamp Gold Coast

  1. Just love the fact that you are willing to stick your head above the parapet and bring out into the open the problems that occur when dealing with clients. Also love the distinction you make between customers (product) and clients (service).

    Really informative, reassuring (it’s not just me then!!) and entertaining.

    Thank you

  2. Congratulations on being one of the rare few that escaped with footage from WordCamp Gold Coast.

    Awesome talk as well! only wish we could have provided you with slightly better sound/video quality to do your talk justice 🙂

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