Plugin Updated For WordPress 3.3.2

WordPress 3.3.2 is a security update for all previous versions of WordPress.

Read the announcement and get your download over at

No changes required to the videos or the written manual because all these fixes are under the hood.

3 thoughts on “Plugin Updated For WordPress 3.3.2

  1. Hi Can you guys please add a short video in your plugin explaining the Menu Tab under appearance and how to add pages to the menu on the home page as we get this a lot with our customers, they create a new page but it does not display unless you go to appearance then menu than add the pages to menu and click save new menu.

    that would be wicked


  2. Hello,
    We purchased this-looks great but working intermittently-and your support tab generates an error. How do we get support?
    Basically on the two sites we have this on, the page tries to load but no video or manual appear. It did work once on each site then stopped.
    Any help? We did check serial number was correct.

    • Hi Dan,

      Sorry about the delayed response. Are you stil having any troubles? I do believe our support desk is functioning again.

      Please let me know if you need any assistance.


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