
[note color=”#e8f0f7″]

Port80 March 2013 Special Offer!

Grab the Video User Manuals plugin with over 50 video tutorials to explain WordPress, WP SEO by Yoast and WooCommerce to your clients – usually $24 per month – only $197 per year for Port80 attendees.

Available with US accent and in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and French.

Limited time only!

Buy Now[/note]

Download Supplementary eBook

I hope you enjoyed the presentation at Port80.

I have expanded upon the presentation and written this report which covers the most important parts of the presentation in more detail. You will learn:

  • How to get paid what you are worth
  • How to calculate what you are worth
  • How to position yourself
  • How to transform your business
The download includes:
  • Get Paid What Your Worth eBook
  • Website Questionnaire

Just fill in the form below to receive the files.