WordPress Wednesday Issue #83
Quick tips to help you build a better WordPress business
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
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4 Tips To Convert Web Traffic Into More Leads and Customers
You only have about 10 seconds to get people’s attention before they get distracted, or simply decide to leave your site. This means that first impressions matter more than ever...
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The Challenges of Pricing and Selling with WordPress – Part 1
Kim Doyal
Why is it that because the software is free, the expectation is that anything and everything to do with WordPress should be free?
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Self-Awareness is Key: 2015 99U Conference Recap 3
Tanner Christensen
In this session recap from the 99u conference, Anil Dash, Kimberly Bryant, and Alex Blumberg explain how the best ways to create opportunities are by sharing your story, recognizing and combating biases, and practicing true self-awareness.
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Reward Results, Not Presence
Mario Peshev
A revolution emerged on May Day on Twitter since a group of online activists invited everyone to join the #talkpay hashtag. One of the most transparent social networks now contains tens or even hundreds of thousands of detailed tweets with real world industry numbers. People share their background, and how much they were paid by each of their employers.
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How to Use Facebook Advanced Location Targeting for More Engagement
Avtar Ram Singh
Looking for ways to get your ads in front of the right people?

In this article, you’ll discover how to use Facebook’s advanced location targeting to drive engagement for your business.
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#80 Part 1 – Content Marketing World Sydney
Troy Dean
In this special episode, I explore Content Marketing World Sydney and interview some interesting key-note speakers – each one an expert in the area of content marketing. A great takeaway from today’s interviews: don’t hit the publish button unless you have a strategy.
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#81 Part 2 – Content Marketing World Sydney
Troy Dean
In Part 2 of the this special broadcast, I explore Content Marketing World Sydney and interview key-note speakers from Day 2 of the event. Guests include Jeff Bullas, Joe Pulizzi and Amanda Gome to name a few.
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I hope you're well and that business is good.
Hit reply and tell me how you're doing.
Troy Dean
Video User Manuals
[email protected]
231 Chapel Street, Prahran VIC 3181, Australia
Video User Manuals Pty Ltd